Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Yesterday, Steve got a job. Yea! It meant he had to leave in the middle of the day to drive to Las Vegas. Boo! It also meant he had to take my truck. Boo! Hisss! So, I am sharing a vehicle with my parents, which I don't want to do. Waah. Throw me a pity party why don't you.

Seriously though, these are the times that test our mettle. I thought I knew how God was going to handle this. I didn't really think about it until he got this job. That's when I realized I really thought Steve was going to get a job here. After all, he has already worked away for a year.

I believe that God has the right to do what he wants, but I just don't really understand this. My understanding is not required.

Monday, October 20, 2008


On Saturday I attended a seminar at church "Who is God?" on the nature of God. To my dismay and continuing horror, I sat unmoved. I sat down later to write the following:

How can I sit here unmoved
By the God over all creation
The Glorious One.
Why does my heart beat calm in my chest
As we study your righteousness
Why does my soul not cause me to shout
or fall on my face and weep.

How can I hear of your glory
and sit and nod quietly
Surely the trees were clapping their hands
and the rocks cried of your majesty
Because I sat silently.

Turn my heart from this lukewarm mass
to flesh that's alive in you
Forgive me for my callousness
Oh Lord, please make me new.

Awake me to your presence God
Tear all the deadness away.