Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's late...

...and I'm tired, but I wanted to mention that my flowers are beginning to bloom--first the pansies, then the tulips began to bloom about when the wild blue flax began it's daily flowering. Now the columbines are opening, the purple and the yellow, and the clematis opened one magnificent blossom today. The cherry tree is almost fully engulfed in white flowers, and the dianthis opened their heads today. Also blooming is the sweet woodruff. All in all it's a glorious display that reminds me of God's continuing goodness and his renewal in all things.

I particularly love the blue flax. Each day the blossoms open, close and die, but each morning there are new ones in place. Each time I see it I think that His mercies are new every morning.

I little knew when I planted each seed or each plant, so many years ago, that I was planting for more than the current season. And so, the work that is done today, the seeds planted, the flowers watered, the weeds pulled, will reap rewards both now and in the future.

Another lesson I was thinking about today...

I bought onion starts a few weeks ago, before garden beds were prepared and ready. I planted a bunch of them today, but they are weaker now than they were at the time I bought them, and many have shriveled and appear dead. So too, if I don't take advantage of the times and seasons I have right now, how much potential will be lost, and how much has already been lost due to my own procrastination?

Oh Lord, show me what you would have me to do today. Show me the rows to plant, and give me the strength and endurance to do it today and not to put it off 'til a tomorrow that may never come. Take the time that is left and use it and use me for your glory, my Father.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Get a Life!!

I have been thinking about the restlessness I feel lately. It isn't so much a physical thing as it is a desire to take on new challenges, to see new vistas, to do new work and to get busy doing things that matter. Wasting time is exhausting! In fact, it is more exhausting than accomplishing things. That at least is a weariness with purpose! Something to show for it rather than filling up time and space.

(I had an embed of a video here from when William Shatner was on SNL and basically told Trekkies to "get a life", but apparently, the place that gave me the embed didn't have permission to pass that link on, so do a search for William Shatner SNL "Get a Life". It's a riot.)