Third grade. My dad played the trumpet beautifully. I've rarely heard anyone I thought came close, and only a few who were his equal or better. Anyway, we were attending Temple Baptist Church and they asked dad to accompany them on a special number. He was to come in midway through the song, but they didn't want him seen, so they had him play from the baptistry.
The moment the trumpet sounded, Dr. Barnard, an elderly widower, stood to his feet in horror that we all had not been raptured at the sound of the trump. He was so mindful of the second coming of Christ, that it was his first thought upon hearing the sound. (I Thess. 4:16-17) I'll never forget it. I wish I were as mindful. What small annoyances would we overlook if we were constantly thinking of and looking for the Lord's soon return.
He is risen. He is risen indeed. He is coming again. No man knows the time. Watch and wait.
That is hysterical! I'm thinking liability issues here, like someone sues the church because Grandpa got a heart attack.
Wouldn't it be great if the first thought upon hearing a trumpet was that it was the call home?
If the Rapture comes, the only trumpet playing will be Davis's. Speaking only, of course, as a jazz enthusiast.
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