Thursday, June 08, 2006


One of the desires of my heart is being met. I love to sing. I always have. As far back as I can remember I have been singing. I sang with my dad, who would punctuate our duet with his amazing trumpet; I sang while my mom played; I sang trios with the girls up the street; I sang in choir; I sang solos; I would sing anywhere, anytime. I need to sing in the way some people need the ocean, or coffee, or art, or their workout. I can live without it, but without it the days seem gray, and I cannot ever seem to feel fully alive, fully me.

It's not just singing, because I am never content just to be in the chorus. I love to sing where my heart is out there. I love to pour myself into the music. It is the time when my heart is most in tune with my beliefs, where my head and heart meet and I am one. And yet that music which is often sung alone to my Creator for the sheer joy of it, must have other outlets. I must express my heart, my worship, my belief, trust and faith in my Father, my Heavenly Daddy, the Awesome and Mighty Creator God not just alone, but to others. How else to share that He is all we need? I am not a person who expresses passion easily--except in music and writing. But writing is solitary and I can hit send or publish and it's out there, and should I choose, I need ever know what another soul thinks about what I say. I need never know a response. But with music, it is so immediate. Not just the response, but the participation.

I have once again, after many dry years, found an outlet for my passion. I cannot tell you how much I love my church, Community Church of the Rockies. There are so many reasons, and perhaps someday soon I will express them here, but if there were no other reason, I would be grateful because they have given me the opportunity and blessing of leading worship. Oh to hear the congregation singing praises to their Creator, led by the most unworthy of people. I am beside myself with bliss. Here and there I can pick out a voice in the crowd of someone so thrilled with their Savior that they make a LOUD and JOYFUL noise. To see the love on their faces, the joy and the emotion that I often felt lacking in other places I have been...I can't really describe it. To see reflected on their faces and in their voices the joy and praise and worship of our Savior that is in my heart is inexpressably sweet.

I feel blessed to follow in the steps of Miriam who led the children of Israel in worship in the desert by the shores of the Red Sea. More on this another time. Suffice it to say that I am thrilled, energized, and so very blessed to be able to do this.

I hope you have found the things that God created for you to do. I hope that you see them as acts of worship, and are thrilled to be doing them. I'm fairly certain that our calling should not be drudgery, at least not very often. May you find your passionate place for serving your Creator, the place that puts a song in your heart and on your lips. Oh joy.

1 comment:

Beth said...

It was delightful to worship our God with you this morning and hear you sing - it sent a chill down my spine. I'm so happy for you!