30°F Partly Cloudy
Feels Like: 22°F Humidity: 80% Wind: N 9 mph
Driving to work today I was struck again by the glorious colors of fall. The trees are various shades of green, red, yellow, gold and grown, outshining the splendor of the gardens that are putting forth a great show just now. Lately snapdragons have been showy, the mums are in full bloom and my roses have gone into full bloom again amid the drying stocks of other earlier bloomers. My raspberry bushes are covered in unripe berries and the lavendar has put out a few late blooming stalks, high above the bushy silver-green leaves. All of this is out-shown by the rich colors of the trees.
I love fall. I love the nip in the air, the feeling that you should be pulling out your sweaters, and already I have lit the first log in the fireplace. Still, this year I am kind of sad because I feel like I missed the summer altogether. I was so busy and working so much that I didn't enjoy the garden in full bloom, never got the weeds taken care of, rarely sat out in the lawn chairs taking in the beauty of the day. I didn't sit beside a stream or lake or river even once during June, July or August. Even September slid by virtually unnoticed.
I need to make a concerted effort to enjoy being outside for as long as I can, before I feel trapped rather than cozy being inside on bitter winter days. While the nip is in the air and before snow comes, I'm going to go for a walk. Yes I will be in my heavy coat, and yes I have not one but two sweaters on today, but that should make it even more pleasant, don't you think?
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